Frequently Asked Questions
What are the opening hours of Agility BASE?
Agility BASE is open 7 days a week from 7am to 10pm for all your dog training needs.
Can I book the venue for my dog's training?
Yes, you can make hourly, half day, or full day venue bookings at Agility BASE for your dog's training sessions. Please see the 'Book' page for more information on how to book the arena.
Please note
Agility hire is available exclusively for competition-level handlers. If you've been training for some time but are unsure whether you meet the eligibility requirements, please feel free to contact us via email.
What facilities does Agility BASE offer?
Agility BASE has the following
- 19 x 38m arena with separate viewing area
- Juta grass (same as is used at Crufts)
- The very best Naylor & Galican agility equipment
- Hardstanding Parking area
- Open 7 days a week
How can I contact Agility BASE for booking enquiries?
You can contact Agility BASE by using the contact us now page, through social media or by email
Facebook: @Agility Base
Instagram: @Agility_base